
Showing posts from August, 2019

TEEF 2.11 Teeth Powder recipe homemade professional formula

Shipping on starting 8/29/19. Shipping to amazon as travel size.  Significantly improved flavor! Full Batch Recipe: Makes ~15 packs Base 740g Tricalcium Phosphate TCP (MySpicer 705082) Mineralizers 160g Dicalcium Phosphate DCP (Eisen-Golden Laboratories EG-CAHPO4-8) 60g Tetracalcium Phosphate Peroxide TTCPP (NatureHacker) 40g Tetracalcium Phosphate TTCP (NatureHacker) 40g Octacalcium Phosphate OCP (NatureHacker) 20g alpha-Tricalcium Phosphate ATCP Natural Foaming 100g ginseng extract (NuSci 30786) 1g gynostemma extract (Lesen, 98%) Amino's and Natural Chelators 35g proline (PureBulk 10912) 4g lysine (PureBulk) 2g histidine (PureBulk) 2g cystiene (PureBulk) 2g arginine (PureBulk) 2.4g (3 caps) IP6 (Jarrow Formulas 120011) Vitamins and Minerals 1g magnesium citrate (NuSci 3344-18-1) 0.6g sodium citrate (Loud Wolf 6132-04-3) 0.1g potassium iodide KI (PureBulk) 0.3g (1cap) zinc citrate (Swanson SW1234) 0.3g (1 cap) selenium (Swanson SW...

TEEF Powder 2.10 open source recipe homemade professional

Shipping 8/17 till now from website and shipped to amazon 8/17 as well. Full Batch Recipe: Makes ~16 packs Base 740g Tricalcium Phosphate TCP (MySpicer 705082) Mineralizers 160g Dicalcium phosphate DCP (Eisen-Golden Laboratories EG-CAHPO4-8) 60g Tetracalcium Phosphate Peroxide TTCPP (NatureHacker) 40g Tetracalcium Phosphate TTCP (NatureHacker) 40g Octacalcium phosphate OCP (NatureHacker) 20g alpha-Tricalcium Phosphate ATCP Natural Foaming 100g ginseng extract (NuSci 30786) 1g gynostemma extract (Lesen, 98%) Amino's and Natural Chelators 35g proline (PureBulk 10912) 4g lysine (PureBulk) 2g histidine (PureBulk) 2g cystiene (PureBulk) 2g arginine (PureBulk) 2.4g (3 caps) IP6 (Jarrow Formulas 120011) Vitamins and Minerals 1g magnesium citrate (NuSci 3344-18-1) 0.6g sodium citrate (Loud Wolf 6132-04-3) 0.3g (1cap) zinc citrate (Swanson SW1234) 0.1g Potassium Iodide KI (PureBulk) 0.3g (1 cap)selenium (Swanson SWU171) 0.34g (1 cap) thiamin (Natures Way...

Teef Powder 2.9 Open Source Professional Formula for teeth powder

Try Organic TEEF Powder Free with Free Shipping! Shipped to Amazon and any website orders on or after 8/14/19 First batch with no strips of plastic embedded in the vacuum seal.  Got a nozzle vacuum sealer so I don't need to get creative to work with a regular foodsaver. 2x Batch Recipe: Makes ~16 packs Base 740g Tricalcium Phosphate TCP (MySpicer 705082) Mineralizers 140g Dicalcium phosphate DCP (Eisen-Golden Laboratories EG-CAHPO4-8) 60g Tetracalcium Phosphate Peroxide TTCPP (NatureHacker) 40g Tetracalcium Phosphate TTCP (NatureHacker) 40g Octacalcium phosphate OCP (NatureHacker) 20g alpha-Tricalcium Phosphate ATCP (NatureHacker) Natural Foaming 100g ginseng extract (NuSci 30786) 3g gynostemma extract (Lesen, 98%) Amino's and Natural Chelators 35g proline (PureBulk 10912) 4g lysine (PureBulk) 2g histidine (PureBulk) 2g cystiene (PureBulk) 2g arginine (PureBulk) 2.4g (3 caps) IP6 (Jarrow Formulas 120011) Vitamins and Minerals 1g magnesium cit...

Worldwide Free Shipping!

Try the Best Tooth Powders Free with Free Shipping! So this may be a hair premature, and it is possible (5% chance) we will need to re-implement international shipping charges, but based on current data we can actually make it work. How can we ship a $12.75 product for free worldwide with a tracking number?  Well for one because we can ship internationally differently that domestically.  Domestic shipping requires a "package" in order to get a tracking number.  However a "flat" gets a tracking number when shipped internationally.  So that means that the method of international shipping is inherently cheaper, albiet a little higher cost just for the distance it travels. So we will make a little less on international orders than domestic.  But that is something we can absorb.  Why?  Because making money is not the primary goal of TEEF.  The goal is to inspire and empower and we believe that free international shipping will go a long way to in...

TEEF Powder 2.8 Full Open Source Teeth Powder Recipe

Try the Best Teeth Powder Free with Free Shipping! Shipping Now on this site and Amazon will get to this batch soon.  First batch to use new clear on both sides vacuum bags. 2x Batch Recipe: Mineralizers 810g Tricalcium Phosphate TCP (MySpicer 705082) 60g Tetracalcium Phosphate Peroxide TTCPP (NatureHacker) 40g Tetracalcium Phosphate TTCP (NatureHacker) 40g Octacalcium phosphate OCP (NatureHacker) 37g Dicalcium phosphate DCP (Eisen-Golden Laboratories EG-CAHPO4-8) Natural Foaming 100g ginseng extract (NuSci 30786) 8g gynostemma extract (Lesen, 98%) Amino's and Natural Chelators 35g proline (PureBulk 10912) 4g lysine (PureBulk) 2g histidine (PureBulk) 2g cystiene (PureBulk) 2g arginine (PureBulk) 2.4g (3 caps) IP6 (Jarrow Formulas 120011) Vitamins and Minerals 1g magnesium citrate (NuSci 3344-18-1) 0.6g sodium citrate (Loud Wolf 6132-04-3) 0.3g (1cap) zinc citrate (Swanson SW1234) 0.3g (1 cap)selenium (Swanson SWU171) 0.34g (1 cap) thiamin (Natures ...