About Us

TEEF powder wasn't designed, it is bieng designed every day by a man who goes by NatureHacker.

NatureHacker may not show off 12 letters after his name like some others but rather would have you judge him based on his work.  He believes that if you study his recipe you will gain an appreciation for not only his scientific and design expertise but also his faith in nature.

NatureHacker started designing TEEF out of necessity.  He is an idealist and didn't like using SLS/Fluoride based toothpastes and had an eye opening experience by damaging his enamel with a seemingly harmless natural alternative, baking soda.  Not only did it erode his enamel by seemingly wearing it away like an abrasive, it made his teeth so unnaturally hard that one with an old filling actually shattered. 

He started researching teeth enamel.  With his background in chemistry and biology he learned that baking soda creates a false enamel called carboxyapatite.  He learned that fluoride creates a false enamel fluorapatite.  Hydroxyapatite is the real enamel and this -OH molecule sent him on a quest that took years of research, experimentation, and discovery and finally lead to the breakthrough ingredient Tetracalcium Phosphate.  Again with his background in chemistry and biology he realized that peroxidizing it would make it even more "sticky" to enamel as this is what naturally happens in saliva.

The formula is never complete and keeps getting better over time.  TEEF started in 2014 as simply Baking powder (since it contained calcium phosphates) and calcium hydroxide (for the -OH) which turned out to be way too alkaline and hurt gums, to the extremely mature and gentle product it is today.  5 years of constant research and experimentation have brought us to the literally "out of this world" technology in TEEF.  This formula will obsolete fluoride for good.  Oh and that shattered tooth? It's as good as new again. 

The reason TEEF is so effective is as a professional designer, NatureHacker never arrives.  He is constantly questioning his own premises, carefully observing, experimenting, pouring over actual scientific research - not just parroting hearsay like all the wannabe bloggers, and recording and publishing what he finds.  He honestly cares about humanity and tries his best to teach everything he learns - including the full recipes and ingredient sources for every product.  Who knows, perhaps your interactions with him will influence the future of TEEF, many already have.  And more importantly, perhaps TEEF can inspire and empower you along your own path as well.  Let's talk: teefpowder2.0 at gmail.


  1. im afraid of nano since the GO issue. can you tell me about this nano in your teef. plz so i can order with confidence, thank you.


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