TEEF Token

IMPORTANT: Please use Muesliswap instead of Mistswap, all liquidity has been moved to Muesli! Search for token 0xe691221eD15BA1E2491B552db955191789d9a8d9 and import!

TEEF Token is a  Product Token that is given as a reward for each 70g TEEF Powder pack that is payed for in either crypto coins (like bitcoin cash) or fiat.  You get 1 token for each 70g pack you buy.  Each token is created before it is sent.  As of right now, about 30 TEEF's are made a month so about 30 tokens per month will enter the supply.  No tokens will be sold directly or minted other than when a 70g product is sold for coins (not these tokens) or fiat.

Around 2000 packs of TEEF powder have been sold since it was invented June 6th 2015. This will be the initial supply and all these tokens will be airdropped to previous TEEF customers or added to liquidity at Muesliswap.

Each token is redeemable for a free 70g TEEF Powder which includes free shipping.

When you include your metamask Ethereum Address in your order comments you will get the token that is produced.  If you do not specify the address, the token will still be produced but sent directly to an exchange like Muesliswap with bitcoin cash collateral (at my own cost).  So over time the liquidity will increase for the token making it more valuable and easier to trade.

When you redeem the token I add it to liquidity at an exchange so someone can buy it from the exchange (I don't get paid when you buy it).

I make no money on this it actually costs me money, I do it to improve and reward the community and incentivize people to buy TEEF.  And it's fun and helps improve crypto adoption and acceptance.

TEEF Token is hosted on the SmartBCH network.

How to add functionality for TEEF Token to your metamask wallet: https://eligmacompany.medium.com/how-to-add-smartbch-network-to-metamask-7b7948a17576

You may need to import token by using this address: 0xe691221eD15BA1E2491B552db955191789d9a8d9

I will never create more TEEF tokens than products made.  I will never transfer the contract.  I will never burn tokens.  I will never remove liquidity (including bitcoin cash or TEEF Tokens) from an exchange unless there is at least 3 month notice that the liquidity is moving to another exchange or token protocol (I will never remove it without immediately replacing it in full).  I will never sell TEEF tokens. I do need to retain "mint" functionality so I can produce more tokens over time in line with demand.  There is a risk I could get hacked and a hacker could mint more coins and sell them to an exchange but I will do everything in my power and take every prudent precaution to prevent that from happening.  You agree to not hold me liable in the event of loss of your funds and never buy more TEEF tokens than you can afford to loose.  TEEF tokens will always be redeemable 1:1 for TEEF Powder as long as I am in business which will be as long as I am alive.


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