Teef 2.15 Patch Notes Open Source Recipe and Formula
Shipping on this site 9/24/19. First batch that I blunted the corners so they don't puncture the vacuum bag. Thinking about biodegradable vacuum bags and toof paste. Need to buy more 1.75 x .666 labels. Restock Ip6 proline Full Batch Recipe: Makes ~15 packs Base 740g Tricalcium Phosphate TCP (MySpicer 705082) Mineralizers 160g Dicalcium Phosphate DCP (Eisen-Golden Laboratories EG-CAHPO4-8) 60g Tetracalcium Phosphate Peroxide TTCPP (NatureHacker) 40g Tetracalcium Phosphate TTCP (NatureHacker) 40g Octacalcium Phosphate OCP (NatureHacker) 20g alpha-Tricalcium Phosphate ATCP (NatureHacker) Natural Foaming 75g ginseng extract (NuSci 30786) Amino's and Natural Chelators 50g proline (PureBulk 10912) 4g lysine (PureBulk) 2g histidine (PureBulk) 2g cystiene (PureBulk) 2g arginine (PureBulk) 3.2g (4 caps) IP6 (Jarrow Formulas 120011) Vitamins and Minerals 1g magnesium citrate (NuSci 3344-18-1) 0.6g sodium citrate (Loud Wolf 6132-04-3) 0.2g...